100 word challenge by Luke

The sky was forbidding. A demonic, desolate house stood, groaning, watching, listening. Why was I here? Oh, I had lost a dare to my idiotic sister. I regret it, I probably always will. The verdigris ivy crawled slyly; it was my only companion. I walked in. The blackness overwhelmed me. A dark silhouette loomed at the end of the corridor, a cupboard. It was very subtle. I activated my torch. I passed paintings and implements. The ornately decorated cupboard was in front of me now. I swivelled round and when I opened the cupboard door there was a pair of obsidian black shoes, just shoes…

4 thoughts on “100 word challenge by Luke

  1. Luke, I see you worked hard to use a lot of exciting adjectives in this piece. The words were brilliant and show that you’re thinking about making your writing more exciting. Do make sure though that the words always fit with your story. I’m glad to see that you were brave in using semi-colons and ellipses. You did a good job at creating a mysterious and scary setting for your story. I’d love to read more!

    Mr O (Team 100WC, Plymouth, UK)

  2. This is an exceptional piece of writing Luke well done!! You have used some amazing vocabulary to help to set the scene in the writer’s mind. Well done!

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